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Data Security Key to Coople Cloud Integration

Europe’s largest online staffing agency conducted a full audit of its AWS cloud architecture to ensure users’ personal data remains fully secure
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Coople is Europe’s largest digital staffing platform with over half a million registered workers in the UK and Switzerland and more than twenty-five thousand company accounts. Since 2009, the company has quickly become a premier solution for sourcing temporary workers that reliably meet the complex and specific needs of its clients to build the future of work. The platform matches workers looking for short- or longer-term jobs with companies that require these workers. Coople always looks to stay ahead of the curve, providing a consistently agile and high-performing solution to clients with the highest data security standards. Audits and reviews are an important part of this process.

Coople required a cloud architecture audit to ensure user data was secure
A series of specific tests were used to check for and resolve potential weaknesses in the platform
As well as removing security risks, Coople better prepared itself for future data threats

Security Testing the Cloud

Having recently moved its platform to the AWS Cloud, Coople wanted to ensure that it was using this environment to the fullest, while also ruling out any unforeseen risks in the process. To meet these criteria, the company chose to undertake a thorough audit of the cloud architecture.

The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps companies assess how they implement best practices in five key pillars: operational excellence, security, reliability, performance evaluation and cost optimization. Coople’s proactive nature, combined with the sensitive nature of clients’ personal data, meant that information security needed to take center stage in this audit to ensure the company remained ahead of potential data breaches.

Safeguarding Personal Data

Coople utilized Xebia’s information security expertise to identify existing potential weak points along with any areas not in line with current best practices. The testing therefore focused on four areas:

Penetration testing: direct testing to show exactly where the system needed improvement.
Potential attack vectors: exploring new angles of attack not previously considered.
Privilege escalation: ensuring that individuals without certain privileges cannot access sensitive information.
Data leakage risks: testing and verifying that personal data was secure and not unintentionally accessible to unauthorized users.

By conducting this thorough review of its data and applications, Coople sought to safeguard data security in the cloud, and so protect the company’s users.

“Our users put a lot of trust in us with their data, including IDs and bank details, so security is our highest priority. We’re committed to regularly reviewing our processes so that we follow best practice. Xebia’s knowledge in this area makes sure that our users’ data is protected.”
Chris Bradford Chief Technology Officer, Coople

Successful Audit: User Data Protected

Once Coople discovered any potential for data breaches, the company took swift action to remove them. The company didn’t only learn about critical current risks to stored data; it also gained knowledge and guidance on proactively combating any potential risks before they could be manipulated or exposed. As a result, Coople maintains the confidence of its users.

Alongside the security improvements from the review process, Coople gained a much deeper understanding of all AWS best practices. For example, Amazon Cloudwatch helps the development team strengthen its expertise across Amazon S3 and EC2. Therefore the company has been able to integrate additional cloud-specific development practices, providing greater potential moving forwards.

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