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Cloud Platform Move Enhances Insurance App’s USP

A migration to AWS Cloud enhanced an SaaS app developer's unique services by improving product response times and features
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Cloud, Cloud Migration, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Business | IT and Healthcare


The client offers specialist software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions for insurance providers. Its solutions enable insurance providers and their agents to interview applicants in real time while collecting historical data to validate and confirm/deny their claims. To date, they have completed over a million applications.

The company’s flagship product — an app for insurance underwriters — was built by the CEO himself. Thanks to his technical background and experience within the insurance industry and that of his team, the client has the perfect expertise to create some of the most innovative solutions in the field.

Evolve and future-proof the app to better handle insurance claims more effectively
Migrate to AWS Cloud and add programmable chat features
Insurance claims are handled more effectively and existing claims are easily integrated thanks to greater app speed and unique functions

AWS Allows Greater Cloud Versatility

With his deep level of technical knowledge in the field, the client’s CEO knew exactly what was needed to further develop and expand the insurance app to maintain its position in a competitive field: it had to move to the cloud.

The company had already experimented with one cloud platform that hadn’t met the specific needs of the app effectively. After consulting with Xebia, the AWS Cloud was identified as a more versatile platform that would suit the app far more. By migrating to AWS, the client would open up more features and the possibility of further expansion as the needs of insurance agents become ever greater.

High Performance With Innovative Features

The first step was to migrate hosting to an AWS Virtual Machine, enabling better performance and facilitating extra AWS services in the future, as well as making the platform more accessible.

With the platform chosen, the client could start adding features. Twilio programmable chat and voice APIs worked to enhance audio capabilities and conferencing while digital signature services, among others, provided further unique functionalities.

To ensure the app ran smoothly, even with ten years of existing audio files included, AWS Lambda was used to quickly encode a large amount of data, while Dockers for many existing features meant those operations would run smoothly, regardless of demand.

“The new system is so much more efficient, meaning our insurance clients have lots of options when dealing with claimants. They especially love the smoother experience, and knowing our app can be relied upon within their critical decision process.”
Anonymous Icon
The Client Chief Executive Officer

Operators Handling More Claims, Better

The new platform surpassed the client’s expectations, reliably maintaining fast response times during operators’ calls, an essential app feature. Users have additional unique tools at hand during assessments, for example digital signatures and greater voice-text interaction, adding to the app's USP.

Legacy data is quickly accessible to operators thanks to efficient optimization and encoding of all nine million minutes of audio files, which was achieved for a minimal cost thanks to a bespoke serverless solution: just $200 compared to up to $80k for an off-the-shelf solution.

The biggest benefit is for the operators themselves: thanks to the app’s speed and functionality it only takes twenty seconds after call completion to make the final decision.

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