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Customer Story

Corporate Document Platform Upgrades with Freshdesk Integration

Information specialist xential creates highly professional experience for clients with move to a centralized platform and portal
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Business | IT


At its essence, xential connects organizations with people through clear information. The company's reliable, easy-to-use document-creation software works remotely from the cloud and helps organizations create communications that are focused on clear messaging and corporate identity. With fully customizable templates and automated formatting and branding at the center of the process, the software gives clients total control over all documents sent out and within their organizations.

Customer service team struggled to manage client cases effectively through a mixture of methods
Implement Freshdesk to centralize communications and better direct inquiries
Created a customer portal and ticketing system, with data collected for further upgrades

Customer Service Difficult to Manage

Customer communication at xential came in unstructured, through multiple channels: telephone, email or the web form on its website. Without a central management system, the customer service team found it increasingly difficult to keep on top of what was happening with which client.

At the same time, xential had little data regarding the nature and causes of client issues, which meant it was unable to fully analyze where it could make improvements and innovations to the organization. The company needed more structure and efficiency which required a new platform.

Thanks to this upgrade, our team works so much better, with much more information at our fingertips. Freshdesk has enhanced our professional image, while also enabling customers to get information at any time, even when the office is closed.”
xential - Logo
Freddy Woudstra Service desk operations, xential

Tracked Ticketing With More Information

Now when customers contact xential via email or form, they can automatically access the relevant information they need thanks to keyword links to the xential-branded customer portal; this is also an excellent resource for the call center to direct callers to, all of which helps staff focus on clients who need more complex assistance.

All tickets are easily trackable with all information clearly available for the team and client alike, meaning everyone is on the same page for each case. Substantial data is now collected for analysis to further optimize xential’s service in the future.



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