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Customer Story

C-Facts Realizes Innovative Control Center for Sustainable Cloud Services

Cloud-native provider of insights into digital cloud footprints undergoes a Well-Architected Review of its AWS platform to ensure scalability; implements solutions that result in less downtime and improved time-to-market — and more satisfied customers overall
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C-Facts is a new cloud-native company that provides insights into the digital cloud footprint of its clients, regardless of what public cloud provider they use (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM, or Oracle Cloud). The company’s cloud management product shows insights related to costs, usage, and billing, allowing clients — from businesses and governmental agencies to cloud service providers — to manage and control the impact of these cloud services and mitigate risks. This allows C-Facts’ clients to have a measurable, transparent and auditable business footprint, facilitating sustainable growth.

Create a scalable & adaptable platform that can process high amounts of data
Perform Well Architected Review to provide an assessment and identify recommendations
Implement CloudFoundation

Process High Amounts of Data

To process high amounts of data from the different cloud providers, C-Facts needed to find a platform that was scalable, high-performing, secure and GDPR-compliant. Without losing their focus on creating value for their clients’ businesses, they wanted to be able to develop and scale quickly and, on the advice of Xebia, chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) to do the heavy lifting and allow them to work with the latest innovations. Why AWS? It can provide cutting-edge enterprise capabilities in a pay-as-you-go model, for a fraction of the normal cost. To help sustain their focus and ensure a holistic approach, Xebia was also asked to perform a Well Architected Review.

"It was a win-win solution for all parties involved."
Spokesperson for C-Facts.

Perform Well Architected Review

Xebia’s AWS Solution Architects used AWS to perform a Well Architected Review. Based on six pillars (operational excellence, security, reliability, performance, efficiency, and cost optimization), the review also served as a tune-up to keep pace with the velocity of AWS innovation. New AWS services come at a high volume and speed, and a review ensures you’ve been introduced to the most modern services. The process also helps to increase elasticity and agility, and set goals.

Provide a Win-Win Solution

C-Facts chose to focus on security improvements first and Xebia implemented CloudFoundation, which isolates resources into multiple accounts (for the blast radius), providing the customer with guardrails and guidelines. Infrastructure as Code also helped with setting up automated deployment pipelines and resource provisioning, resulting in less downtime and a much improved time to market when new functionalities are needed. Now C-Facts can focus on platform functionality, code and fast innovation.

Doing the review was a win-win situation for all parties involved. One of the benefits for C-Facts was that pressing issues get visibility and are solved quickly. This not only improves customer satisfaction but creates long-lasting and successful relationships with clients.

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