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Customer Story

Innovation that Helps Firms Prepare for the Regulatory Challenges of Tomorrow

Navigating the intricacies of political contributions during a hectic election cycle can pose significant challenges for firms in the US. Star partnered with Xebia to introduce a more innovative Political Contributions Surveillance solution to the market.
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StarCompliance (Star) is the leading provider of employee compliance software that protects the world’s most reputable companies against risk and costly conflicts of interest. With a focus on helping businesses manage their regulatory obligations, the company offers innovative technology and expertise to streamline compliance processes and mitigate risk. Star’s next-generation employee compliance platform is designed to meet the unique needs of global institutions, empowering them to navigate complex regulatory environments with confidence. 

To extend Star's innovation capabilities and maintain its leadership position in the market.
Optimize its Political Contributions solution to help their clients minimize risk, search smarter, and react faster.
 By enhancing data and making it available to clients in a shorter timescale, enabling them to uncover potential policy breaches quicker.

Leveraging Expertise 

Star’s Political Contributions Solution streamlines the pre-clearance, surveillance, and reconciliation process surrounding employee contributions to politicians and political entities. Xebia was brought in to help optimize this product by embedding itself within the Star Product function, working collaboratively alongside employees to help deliver significant benefits to Star clients. 

We are extremely pleased with the collaborative effort shown by Xebia working on our Political Contributions Surveillance solution. The partnership has been instrumental in optimizing our product."
StarCompliance logo
Andy Atkinson Director of Product Management at. Star Compliance

Robust Data Quality 

The Political Contributions Surveillance product is centered around the collection and distribution of data on political contributions made by US citizens. This data is gathered from hundreds of public and government information sources, with individual contribution records numbering in the tens of thousands per week. With these large volumes of data, it is imperative that there are automated processes in place to both gather the data and monitor the sources. Xebia was successful in putting in place effective tools and processes, which ultimately led to improvements in both the quality and timeliness of the data. 

More user-friendly experience

"The swift and focused initiative to enhance the quality and timeliness of the data, as well as modernizing the user experience means that we are able to offer a product that is aligned seamlessly with other products across the Star Platform.” 

StarCompliance logo
Andy Atkinson Director of Product Management at Star Compliance

A Modern User Experience 

Xebia was tasked to bring a more modern and fresh User Experience to Star’s Political Contribution Surveillance solution. The primary goal was to deliver this in adherence with Star’s Design System and to bring it in line with other Star products. Xebia worked collaboratively with Star’s UX team and was successful in delivering against the objective with both speed and quality, with the new UX gaining praise both internally and, more importantly, from Star’s clients. 

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