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AI platform Quantamix Solutions Primed for Growth After Solving Host Architecture Issues

After a Dutch start-up exceeds expectations, a new, Agile host architecture provides it with room to grow to keep up with demand
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Quantamix Solutions is an AI platform for content automation. The Netherlands-based startup builds cutting-edge web applications and digital ecosystems powered by advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, and machine learning.

Respond to market demand without performance issues
Replace inflexible host architecture with a more dynamic design suited to a fast-growing startup
An AWS Well-Architected Review and decoupling of the application in smaller parts

Victim of Its Own Success

Quantamix built an AI platform with amazing functionalities that help organizations reach their audiences in the best possible way. Although the tech start-up expected its platform to do well, the demand exceeded all projections, causing performance issues due to the heavy load. The issue was that the platform core was built as one monolithic application hosted on AWS. Although functional, this architecture often led to scaling and performance issues. Quantamix contacted Xebia to help with an architecture design that would enable it to grow in a dynamic and Agile way: with minimal operational overhead but with optimal security, availability, reliability and cost-efficiency.

Sound Advice

To better understand Quantamix’s unique environment, Xebia decided that the best approach was to perform a Well Architected Review (WAR). This assessment is based on the Well Architected Framework and benchmarks cloud-based application stacks against AWS Best Practices. Xebia then delivered a report with findings, recommendations and advice on how to mitigate the risks found.

“Thanks to Xebia, we can now focus on growing our business and further developing our solutions to deliver even greater value.”
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Quantamix Solutions

Dynamic Architecture for a Dynamic Company

Xebia recommended breaking up the application into smaller parts, such as the website and web-crawler apps. The parts can now scale independently, adding to the stability and performance of the system. Operational costs are also lower because independent parts only have to run when necessary (instead of being “always-on.”

By implementing an architecture that relies on AWS Managed Services, Xebia has ensured that Quantamix has a secure, highly-available, reliable and cost-efficient infrastructure. It has also freed up DevOps power because the DevOps teams no longer have as many operational tasks. Quantamix Solutions is now able to focus on growing its business and further developing solutions to deliver even greater value.

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