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Customer Story

Interflon: Adopting the Cloud in Just 6 Months

To increase data security and embrace new business opportunities, a leading lubrication solutions manufacturer decided to move to the Cloud.
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Cloud, Migration, AWS



Interflon is a lubrication provider that keeps the world’s machinery well-oiled, headquartered in Roosendaal, NL. The company manufactures high performance lubricants, cleaners, and hardware to help companies reduce their maintenance and energy costs. All of which prolongs the service life of critical components, bringing down-time to a minimum, reducing power consumption and CO2 emissions and improving equipment utilization rates and reliability at the same time. Interflon operates in more than 50 countries, servicing over 135,000 clients in all kinds of industries.

Interflon wanted to migrate their apps to the Cloud to minimize the risk of service disruptions and make their data more secure.
Close collaboration between Xebia and Interflon saw the creation of a Cloud-based redundancy plan.
A quick migration that minimizes service disruption and allows for rapid scaling of app instances.

Journey from On-Premises to Seamless Success

Before the adoption, Interflon relied on managed hosting of dedicated services to store its product information and customer data. This information was key for delivering high-quality products and services, but like most on-premises infrastructure, a sudden disruption would create the need for a lengthy recovery process. To minimize this risk, which would create a distinct competitive disadvantage thanks to repair costs, the company decided to migrate to the Cloud.

As a result, the goal of the migration was not only to increase reliability, but also to embrace benefits reserved to the Cloud – like higher backup frequency, better data redundancy, improved scalability, and security.

Together with Xebia we managed to convert, refactor, and secure our applications for the Cloud. The stability and integrity have increased with the availability of scalable resources. With a full visibility of KPIs and performance indicators, we are able to tune the environment and control the performance and costs.

Rob Oude Voshaar Technology Manager, Interflon

The transition from the on-premises facility happened in two phases:

1. The main tool, which is not dependent on other apps, was migrated first. To prevent disruptions during high traffic hours, the plan was to carry out the migration after working hours. The result was a downtime of only a few hours.

2. After the successful migration of the main app, all of its connected applications followed. Similar to the first phase, this migration was also conducted after hours, with a downtime of only 4 hours.

Revolutionizing Reliability: Achieving Cloud Migration in 6 Months with Xebia's Expertise

Thanks to the close collaboration efforts between Xebia’s experts and Interflon’s workforce, the work was carried out at such speed that migration to the public Cloud took only 6 months.

The new, rock-solid redundancy plan now sees data backups every 5 minutes in two separate AWS regions, rather than 1 backup per day. As such, the risks that disruption carries are minimized.

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