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Customer Story

Global Logistics Company Relieves Pressure on Operational Databases

A global leader in logistics relieved pressure on its operational databases, adjusting to provide a new unified source for performing analytics and data science
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Data Technology


Xebia Functional | Part of Xebia

The client is a world-leading logistics company whose global network drives a division responsible for delivering urgent documents and goods from door to door.

Explore different approaches when working with the company's Data Lake
Automating the process of moving data from disparate sources into the data lake
New solution implementation, team augmentation, and mentoring

Exploring Different Approaches

In its effort to explore different approaches when working with its data lake, the client had multiple objectives including the desire to have one source of truth, the data lake, where key metrics for transport management
data for all served countries could be extracted for front-end reports. The client also wanted to unlock in-depth analysis for data analysts and data scientists, resulting in better insights for country and regional managers. Another objective was to automate the process of moving data from disparate sources into the data lake.

Find out how we helped this client meet its goals

Xebia provided the client with specific expertise, team augmentation, mentoring, architectural advice, and more. To learn more specifics about how we helped meet the needs of this specific client, reach out to us for the full case study.

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