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Customer Story

European Payment Platform Proves Its Worth With Move to the Cloud

ICEPAY undergoes IT infrastructure renovation, replacing old servers and databases while moving to a scalable cloud platform
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Related services
Cloud Migration, Microsoft Azure, .NET Core, Containers, Microservices



ICEPAY is a Dutch online payment platform offering payment solutions throughout Europe. Founded in 1999, the company facilitates omnichannel sales with a number of products and features including shipping, analytics, and modules for webshops, entrepreneurs, and large chains online and off. The company simplifies payment solutions for businesses, offering over 25 payment options serving a wide range of business needs. These include debit cards, online bank transfers, micropayments, and POS. ICEPAY offers two price points catering to professional and enterprise businesses. The company has over 15,000 customers with headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Improve and enhance customer experience
Upgrade old, congested IT servers and databases
Implement a scalable cloud platform

Building a Future-Proof Framework

ICEPAY had a pointed, singular vision of what was needed to continue to succeed in the payment space. The first step was to draw out the best path for implementing a scalable cloud-based architecture with unlimited server capacity. This included upgrading all of its systems. The company chose Azure as its cloud platform, while Xebia guided the ICEPAY team throughout its journey. ICEPAY CEO Steven de Boer noted: “We are extremely happy with the first running components. Xebia helped design an efficient process. And thanks to the valuable lessons learned by our own team, we are able to perform more development work ourselves.”

“We operate in a market with extremely rapid developments. To improve our competitive edge we needed an innovative solution. Easily expandable and highly available server capacity was key. Although we had our own highly skilled IT team, we needed Xebia’s knowhow and experience.”
Steven de Boer CEO

A Well-Oiled Machine

Following a cloud scan, .NET core and Azure were chosen as the ideal working platforms. Azure’s flexibility and scalability would allow ICEPAY to grow while using the cutting-edge technologies expected by its customers. With Azure, ICEPAY was able to deploy the first of its payment processing components. At the same time, ICEPAY adopted the Azure Kubernetes Service to avoid vendor lock-in and to quickly switch between cloud platforms. Kubernetes containers allowed for easy mobility and aided in unlimited server capacity. This was important for ICEPAY’s many customers who rely on real-time transactions and continuous business insight. Efficient designs were also implemented, such as keeping pay transactions stored for 24/7 availability.

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