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Customer Story

Dutch Energy Provider Lights Up Competition with Daring New IoT Platform

Kenter utilizes creative IoT platform as an innovative, affordable measure of energy use, giving customers more savings options
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Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Public and Utilities

The customer.

Kenter, a daughter of the largest energy grid company in the Netherlands (Alliander), is a certified measuring company for both gas and electricity. With over 25,000 customers, Kenter serves small and enterprise businesses through a combination of devices, applications and a professional team. After a thorough search for a seasoned AWS Partner, Xebia was chosen to support the development of their Energy IoT measurement platform at the design level.

Study and minimize energy consumption
Develop and design a cost-effective, scalable energy IoT platform
Create a smart cloud computing architecture to process data

The solution.

We designed an architecture that would allow the platform to scale and process many data packets from a large number of devices. By using AWS Kinesis Streams to temporarily hold the data from the devices, we could cope with sudden bursts of data and decouple the processing of data from the API communication.

AWS DynamoDB streams/triggers were used to generate data requests when new sensors were registered or applications altered their preferences in the system (e.g. another type of data or another resolution of the data).

NAT-gateways with elastic ip’s and an AWS Lambda function worked from inside a VPC to implement the requirement that some applications needed to whitelist source addresses from which data would be pushed.

The result.

By leveraging the scalability and cost efficiency embedded in the AWS Services, an array of serverless techniques and AWS IoT best practices to ensure a secure, and highly available setup. We were able to implement a solution that can get near time data from all IoT devices to the complete set of applications.

“Around 30 different industry partners rely on the metering data we collect from thousands of businesses across the Netherlands.”
Bernard Meijer Product Specialist, Data at Kenter

AWS IoT Partner

As an AWS consulting Partner, Xebia implements scalable, highly-available and cost-efficient AWS IoT infrastructures.

From edge to platform, going through connectivity and gateway, our AWS Consultants, Software Architects, Cloud Engineers and Developers bring together cloud and engineering passion and knowledge, and are ready to fully design, implement and manage the most complex (AWS) IoT workloads.

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