"Cooperating With Xebia was a Pleasure"
Marian Verspoor, Business Analyst at DSW Zorgverzekeraar: "Cooperating with Xebia was a pleasure. We had the desire to be closely involved with the implementation and used the assistance of Xebia mostly to share experiences of existing functionalities of Google Workspace. Furthermore, they guided us with a very smooth transition and helped training our people."
Bauke Aukema, Information Security Officer at DSW: "I got mainly involved for information security. Using Google Workspace is quite a big step into the cloud which has to be done very carefully. It is the first cloud platform DSW will be using, so we read the contracts thoroughly to see if they were in compliance with Dutch and European laws. We concluded that Google has done a great job when it comes to information security and privacy protection. And Xebia helped us really well with implementing Google Workspace where the user can do what she/he wants, but where information is still protected."
Frans ten Brink: "The implementation went really well. Normally, we would like to have to it ourselves, but this was a trajectory where we were really going to change something. In those cases, it is great that we can fall back on the expertise of Xebia. They should really take this as a big compliment."