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Customer Story

Citymesh Takes Security to the Next Level

A leader in private 4G and 5G networks, partnered with Xebia to conduct a Google Workspace Security Assessment. This collaboration helped identify and mitigate security risks, significantly enhancing Citymesh's digital work environment.
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Google Workspace,
Security Assessment

Technology / Telecom


Citymesh, the European leader in deploying private 4G and 5G networks and offering WiFi-as-a-Service, has successfully deployed over 50 Mobile Private Networks. With a strong foundation in B2B connectivity, they bring together innovation, expertise, and exceptional talent to provide cutting-edge (mobile) connectivity solutions. 

Citymesh aimed to elevate the security of its digital work environment to minimize security risks and protect its customers' data. The deeper motivation was to provide a secure and reliable work environment in line with their mission to deliver innovative connectivity solutions.
Citymesh conducted a comprehensive Google Workspace Security Assessment in collaboration with Xebia. This involved providing API keys and running scripts to thoroughly assess the Google Workspace environment. The result was a detailed report with valuable recommendations to enhance the security of the digital work environment.
Citymesh chose to grant Xebia access to their Google Workspace environment and provide them with the necessary tools and resources to conduct a thorough assessment. The process involved careful analysis, prioritization of adjustments, and internal communication regarding the impact on end users. The outcome was an improved security of the work environment.

Challenges in Managing Google Workspace Configurations

Citymesh, the European market leader in installing private 4G and 5G networks and offering WiFi-as-a-Service, faced a challenge regarding internal expertise related to Google Workspace. Over the years, the environment had been built, but due to a lack of internal expertise, configurations were made without thorough understanding. There was a lack of clear insight into the risks posed by the inadequately configured Google Workspace.

Strategic Evaluation of Google Workspace Security by Xebia 

To address the challenges, Citymesh decided to conduct a Google Workspace Security Assessment. They provided Xebia with access to API keys and allowed the team to run scripts for about a week to thoroughly assess the Google Workspace environment. The results were then compiled into a detailed report, with priorities set in order. Laurens, the security expert from Xebia, chose to take a hands-on approach and investigate certain settings to maximize the learning effect. Some adjustments were immediately apparent, while others required additional research. The team carefully determined the impact of each setting and communicated internally when adjustments would affect end users, using an approval workflow. This intensive process took about a quarter to complete.

Implementing Recommendations and Ensuring Security

The outcome of the Security Assessment was a list of valuable recommendations. Operationally, there were no significant consequences, and in some cases, it even resulted in additional work. Thanks to the thorough scan, significant security risks were identified and mitigated. Citymesh emphasized the value of the knowledge gained and described the assessment as highly beneficial.

"Thanks to Xebia's expertise, we were not only able to identify and mitigate significant security risks, but also acquire valuable knowledge. The thorough assessment and detailed recommendations from Xebia have enabled us to significantly enhance our digital work environment."
Frederic Saelens Datacenter & Security Expert at Citymesh

Citymesh was so convinced of the added value that they decided to conduct such a scan annually. They rely on Xebia's expertise, which is not only up to date with the latest settings but also capable of generating reports and making recommendations for the adjustments needed to ensure security. The collaboration with Xebia is seen as an essential part of their annual security strategy.

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