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B2B Tool Provider, Advanced, Migrates Infrastructure to the Cloud

British business software provider streamlines IT by migrating infrastructure to the Cloud; gives its customers a competitive edge
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Related services
Cloud, AWS (Amazon Web Services) and DevOps

Business | IT

PGS Software | Part of Xebia

Advanced, one of the largest providers of business software in the UK, provides easy-to-use B2B spend management tools. Its cloud-based, vertical software solutions help organizations increase their efficiency, giving them a competitive advantage in their field—be that legal, charity, health, education, leisure or manufacturing.

Save costs by switching database engine
Migrate to free self-managed AWS hosting
Using AWS Cloud and layered architecture management to achieve a DevOps approach

Saving While Innovating

When Advanced acquired Science Warehouse, its AWS Cloud infrastructure was being managed by a third-party, making it expensive. To significantly lower maintenance costs, Advanced decided to switch to a free database engine and teach its in-house team how to work smart by developing DevOps competencies—so, in this way, save in the future.

Taking Control of Its Toolbox

To gain full control over its operations, Advanced’s DevOps team migrated the company’s databases to Postgres, a free, open-source management system known for its reliability and data integrity. To adapt Advanced’s existing applications to work with Postgres, the team built a new oud infrastructure from scratch—a challenging learning curve that strengthened the team’s DevOps skillset. In a DevOps way of working, teams are vertically organized, fully accountable for projects from concept to grave. By taking on a DevOps approach, Advanced’s team learned to optimize speed, performance and delivery.

“Migrating to AWS cut costs and gave us more control, helping our team to improve their skills. By investing in a DevOps approach, we can now deal effectively with high levels of competition and grow our visibility.”

Lift & Shift

Advanced made a “Lift & Shift” migration to AWS, moving its database engine from Oracle to Postgres. Work began with Terraform, a sophisticated Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, to define the automated infrastructure. The DevOps team then divided the infrastructure management into layers. The goal: making incompatible engines compatible.

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