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Customer Story

TWB Automates Data to Spend More Time on Care

TWB needed a way to deal with data more efficiently in order to keep spending most of their resources and time on care 
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Related services
Google Cloud Platform, BigQuery



TWB is a regional home care organization that offers appropriate care and support so their clients can safely keep living in their familiar home environment. Their district nurses are the vital link between clients, professionals and partners in the district. This allows them to respond to signals at an early stage and enables them to immediately deliver the right care to the right place.

The organization is deeply rooted and widely known in the region, and patients have been welcoming TWB’s caretakers into their homes every day for more than 100 years. With over 1,800 employees, they are the specialists in the field of home care in the region of West-Brabant, the Netherlands.

Continue spending most of their time and resources on care
By changing the way data is stored and used
By moving processes to Google Cloud and automating data pipelines

Time-Consuming Data

TWB's core business is focused on providing high quality care and building a strong, personal relationship with their clients, and is focused less on their IT infrastructure and technology. In order to continue spending most of their time and resources on care, they are in the process of moving several of their processes to the Google Cloud. This required a change in approach regarding their analytics.

“It was nice working together, with a great result! The users are very satisfied.”
TWB logo
Cindy Moeleker-Weber Business Controller

Starting Off with Clean Data

The new technical architecture required certain applications and business processes, including their business intelligence, to be migrated as well. Therefore, TWB teamed up with data experts at Xebia to move and automate their management data and pipelines to the Google Cloud. This is where our expertise shone.

First, we leveraged Compute Engine to extract and load the current database into the cloud. TWB, like a lot of healthcare organizations in The Netherlands, works with Nedap to manage their electronic health records and other business processes. They are an important player in the healthcare industry, and the data pipelines we built between Nedap and GCP has the potential to add a lot of value to other organizations within the industry.

Next, the data was imported into BigQuery where it is stored, cleaned, and transformed in preparation for safe and easy access for analysis. On the one hand, we made this data accessible in Connected Sheets for their business controllers to work their magic on, and on the other hand we used it to build interactive reports in Data Studio for end-users. These reports present the organization's KPIs: (near) real-time results versus internal benchmarks and budgets.

An important success factor was the collaboration between Xebia and TWB. We worked using our Agile Analytics methodology. Taking inspiration from agile software development, we made sure to work closely with the people from TWB in short iterations. This allowed us to continuously deliver new, value-adding insights on a short term, and allowed us to quickly respond to changes in data and processes.

Less Time Spent on Data, More on Care

Our collaboration created a four-pronged result at TWB:

  • TWB is now able to create and share interactive reports with different types of end-users throughout the organization. Managers, team leads and caregivers can see how the organization is performing at a glance, allowing them to focus on what actually matters in their work: providing care.
  • By moving complicated business processes to the cloud, we were able to reduce organizational costs.
  • By automating the data pipelines, we were able to drastically shorten the workload of doing analyses and sharing reports, from three days a week to a quick validation.
  • We set up the fundamental foundations of their data warehouse, with the possibility to scale for future use.

Overall, we have helped TWB become more streamlined and efficient, enabling them to spend more time on care and support.

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