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Customer Story

Mobile Operator Offers Agents a Carefree Cloud-First Workplace

Mobile Vikings chooses to work with Google Workspace and ChromeOS to get their work done, and have recently equipped their customer care team with ChromeOS devices
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Related Services
Cloud-First Workplace, Google Workspace, ChromeOS, Chromebooks

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Mobile Vikings is a Belgian telecom operator with a unique offering that puts mobile data and home internet at its core. The operator believes that telecom can and should work differently. Mobile Vikings therefore constantly innovates its mobile and fixed internet and then puts full emphasis on the user experience with a strong focus on excellent customer care.
Moreover, thanks to unique smart services such as Viking Deals and Viking Clan, Mobile Vikings users can easily reduce their phone and internet bills to zero. Since 2020, Mobile Vikings has been part of the Proximus Group.

Happy employees make happy customers
A modern, carefree application landscape
Everything in the cloud with ChromeOS devices and Google Workspace

Happy Employees Make Happy Customers

At Mobile Vikings, customer care and putting users first is at the heart of everything they do. Their commitment is reflected in their modern and accessible approach to work, as explained by Sofie Van Eemeren, HR & People Lead. “We indeed see that creating a healthy, inspiring workplace has a direct impact on employee happiness.”

The company's dedication to its employees is evident in their provision of a contemporary office and workplace, along with easy onboarding and a wide array of device options. In light of the corona pandemic, the average number of office days has decreased to two, making secure and efficient remote work a top priority.

“We do not only aim to be a cool brand, we also aim to be a cool place to work.”
Mobile Vikings logo
Sofie Van Eemeren HR & People Lead

A Modern, Carefree Application Landscape

Mobile Vikings boasts a contemporary, user-friendly application landscape that promotes ease and flexibility. The integration of Google Sheets and Jira, for instance, exemplifies the company's focus on modernity and efficiency. With a vast customer base, Mobile Vikings puts a premium on swift and dependable customer support, through various inbound and outbound channels. 
Where parent company Proximus relies on Microsoft solutions, Mobile Vikings has the freedom to select office applications that are most suitable for their requirements. Therefore, they choose Google and Chrome.

“When it comes to workplace technology, things just have to work.”
Mobile Vikings logo
Kris Steegmans Technology Lead

Go Cloud-First and Get Your Work Done

Mobile Vikings adopts a cloud-first approach, providing advanced solutions to streamline and simplify work processes. Chromebooks, Chromeboxes, Google Workspace, and Google Meet Hardware all facilitate seamless remote collaboration and work, allowing the company to quickly adapt to a work-from-home model during the corona pandemic.

With Single Sign-On (SSO) integration, all applications are easily accessible from anywhere, with everything stored in the cloud for enhanced accessibility and security. As a result, Kris Steegmans, Mobile Vikings' Technology Lead, never has to worry about Google Workspace.

Olivier De Cock: “The partnership with Xebia is an extension of our team, further expanding our expertise and capabilities.”

The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating

On the day that the entire customer care department got equipped with Chrome devices, one of Mobile Vikings’ team leads had forgotten her laptop at home. However, with Mobile Vikings' emphasis on flexibility, she was able to grab a Chromebook and pick up work where she left off.

“It works amazingly!” the team lead exclaimed, impressed with the seamless transition to a new device. The ability to work anywhere on any device with such ease is a testament to the company's commitment to putting its employees first and making their lives easier.

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