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Leading FinTech Brand Retains Market Lead With Cloud Solution

The world-leading FinTech company migrated to AWS Cloud, modernizing its platform to ensure it maintains its strong market position
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Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS)



The client is a leading global financial technology (FinTech) brand. An innovative business services provider, its intelligent and specialized approach to online payments is transforming the way customers pay for goods and services.

The client needed to update its hosting solution to be able to maintain its market position
AWS Cloud was used to provide the company the greater efficiencies of serverless hosting
New features are now developed eight times faster than before, ensuring the client keeps up with industry rivals

Market Position Threatened by Limited Technology

In 2016, the client started to notice large constraints in its systems due to technical debt, the result of previously implementing an on-site server solution that limited the scope of future development. 

The company was concerned it could lose some competitive advantages to younger financial services industry rivals. The limited scaling and poor flexibility of its hosting meant that adding new software features could take between six and twelve months. As a result, the client knew it needed a thorough digital transformation to make the most of its market-leading knowledge and experience.

A Solution Embedded in AWS

The company realized that it had to migrate to a serverless cloud solution to stay relevant. The in-house software team didn’t have the necessary expertise to perform such a significant system migration, so Xebia was requested to provide technical support and training for the project.

The client chose to migrate to the AWS Cloud, utilizing an AWS Multi-Account Architecture to ensure different functions of the system could be isolated as required. Amazon S3 was the natural data storage solution for this platform, with Amazon Aurora managing the database engine. Xebia’s development team of engineers and architects worked closely with the company’s internal team throughout, ensuring it would be ready to handle the system internally going forwards.

“As a result of our cooperation with Xebia, we have not only adopted a cloud-native approach to our development strategy, but we have also upskilled our team, fueling a culture of innovation in the organization.”
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The Client Chief Executive Officer

Faster Developments, Future Evolution

Thanks to the collaborative nature of the project, the initial migration to the cloud took just five months, with the client able to experience both immediate and longer-term benefits as a result.

The new serverless architecture means that new features go live within six weeks, eight times faster than before. With almost 100% reliability and unlimited scaling now possible, this was the key competitive edge the company had sought.

Dropping the legacy on-site servers in favor of the cloud solution also meant the client immediately achieved a 30% reduction in hosting costs. With the newly-gained serverless competencies, the in-house team is now fully equipped to maintain and evolve the new solution without external help.

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