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Customer Story

Innovative Scale-Up Leverages Data to Insure Small Entrepreneurs

Insify harnesses data resources to offer digital insurance solutions more quickly and competitively through a tailor-made cloud platform
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AWS, Fivetran, Databricks, dbt

Public | Scheme Regulation

Xebia Data

Founded in 2020, Insify is an Amsterdam-based, end-to-end digital insurance platform designed for Europe's entrepreneurs and SMEs. An innovative scale-up known for its customer-centric approach and unique product offerings, it's on a mission to insure Europe’s freelancers and entrepreneurs in a better way.

The company leverages AI-based data technology for simplified and speedy insurance offerings, enabling small and medium-sized enterprises to avoid cumbersome limitations related to traditional insurance practices. The company insures businesses through several channels, including direct online signup, embedded partnerships with e-commerce and fintech platforms, and via brokers who want to add a seamless offering for SMEs.

Insify needed to harness the power of its data resources more effectively to insure Europe’s freelancers and entrepreneurs in a better way
Insify wanted a tailor-made, end-to-end, self-service cloud data platform built on AWS
Insify worked with a team of cloud and data experts from Xebia to design and implement a customized platform POC, from ingestion to live dashboards, within 3 weeks

Time to Leverage Data

Insify is an insurance company that offers digital insurance solutions to freelancers and small businesses. Its proprietary and tailored insurance products span business liability and professional indemnity to occupational disability coverage for entrepreneurs and small businesses. As a rapidly growing company, Insify recognized the need to harness the power of its data resources more effectively. 

An End-to-End, Self-Service Data Platform on AWS

Based on its requirements, Xebia advised to Insify asked Xebia Base to build a cloud data platform and deliver a data and analytics platform (from ingestion to live dashboards) on two specific use cases. Xebia collaborated closely with Insify’s tech team and CTO Martijn Rutten to develop and implement the core components of a modern data platform tailored to the company's unique needs. 

The solution consisted of the following components:
  • Building necessary cloud infrastructure as code using Terraform.
  • Spinning up Databricks as the core of the data platform.
  • Implementing Fivetran for seamless data ingestion from various sources, such as Zendesk for CRM data.
  • Implementing Databricks Delta Live Tables for near-real-time ingestion of operational data stored in AWS S3.
  • Transforming the ingested data using dbt to ensure consistency, accuracy, and relevancy.
  • Building a scalable and performant Databricks Delta Lake on the AWS platform.
  • Designing and deploying interactive and insightful dashboards using AWS Quicksight for near-real-time business intelligence.

Following completion and delivery, Xebia provided materials, documentation, and training on the platform's operation so that Insify could independently use and build on the delivered data platform.

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Insify ensures small and medium-sized enterprises

The Final Result

Through its successful collaboration with Xebia, Insify now has a scalable, end-to-end data platform and highly efficient data warehouse built on modern data stack tools and a fully version-controlled cloud infrastructure. The platform enables efficient data management and near-real-time insights, seamless data ingestion, and includes automated dashboards showing detailed operational and customer insights.

The Xebia Base Cloud Data Platform is a turn-key solution that offers the fast implementation and seamless integration you need to tackle your data challenges. For more information about this tailored-to-fit solution, please visit the Xebia Base Cloud Data Platform page.



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