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Flemish Fire Brigade Zone Increases Safety and Flexibility With Google Workspace

Emergency fire brigade moves to secure cloud-first workplace, making collaboration between professional and volunteer firefighters more functional, all while retaining full control over the data in its domain
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Google Workspace

Public | Utilities


HVZ Fluvia is an emergency fire brigade located in South West Flanders and supervised by the Belgian Minister of Internal Affairs. Since January 2015, it has served 14 municipalities across 16 locations with the help of many volunteers.

Find new ways to collaborate and keep information secure
Increase agility and offer support via Google Workspace
Create secure cloud-first workplaces with full data control

Finding a New Way to Collaborate

The Fluvia emergency fire service relies mostly on volunteers to perform its fire brigade services. Most of these volunteers did not have access to business IT accounts, which meant that information was often shared via personal accounts. However, fire services information is confidential and ideally should remain within the organization. Fluvia reached out to Xebia to find an alternative way to collaborate with its small team of professional firefighters and its larger pool of volunteers.

“Xebia’s support was hands-on, and the team actively considered solutions for specific bottlenecks that we encountered along the way.”
Mathieu Termote ICT manager

Secure Cloud-First Workplaces & Full Data Control

HVZ Fluvia can now offer secure cloud-first workplaces to all its firefighters while retaining full control over the data in its domain. Fluvia’s IT support can now focus on what is needed, adding functional productivity to end-users instead of wasting time maintaining and supporting local hardware and software. Next, Xebia will develop an intranet based on Google Sites and implement Google Currents within the HVZ Fluvia organization and provide the necessary training.

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