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Dutch Energy Company Renews Practices After On-Site Pulse Check

Eneco, a major European energy supplier and producer, augments its data science practice with a clear roadmap and improves engineering capabilities after benchmarking maturity scan
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GoDataDriven | Part of Xebia

Eneco is a producer and supplier of natural gas, electricity, and heat in the Netherlands, serving more than 2 million business and residential customers. Headquartered in Rotterdam, the integrated energy group employs more than 7,000 people and operates from bases in the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, France, and Germany. The company provides comprehensive solutions for its customers and partners and invests in well-maintained networks, onshore and offshore wind farms, solar energy projects, and biomass plants.

To become truly data-driven to compete and differentiate in a highly competitive and volatile energy market
A clear strategy to improve and harness AI and data science capabilities
A benchmarking AI Maturity Scan revealed insights for improvement and provided a clear roadmap

Harnessing the Data Revolution

To keep up with the exploding popularity of data science, Eneco was forced to organically innovate, resulting in inefficient workflows and ad hoc solutions that weren’t part of a coordinated strategy. The energy company needed to augment its data science practice to keep up with the times and become truly data-driven.

Discovering Where to Play

Xebia ran a quick scan maturity assessment over a two-day workshop at the company that involved senior leaders and experts from the organization’s AI and data science practice. The deep dive process revealed a number of clear strategic insights, including areas where the company could innovate and close the gap to become truly data-driven. As a result, Eneco improved its overall performance, upgraded its IT infrastructure, and critically, implemented a hiring strategy to bring the right talent on board to support the organization’s new strategic approach.

“Before Xebia came on board, we were unfocused in our use of data and didn’t really have a strong position on AI. When we took a closer look at our strengths and the opportunities our current capabilities could deliver, the possibilities for us moving forward quickly became clear. Xebia’s AI Maturity Scan provided us with fresh insights and concrete recommendations for our organization.”
Ronald Root Manager of Data Science and Business Innovation

Know the Past to Create the Future

Xebia’s benchmarking process quickly revealed aspects of existing products and services that were ripe for change, growth, and transformation. It also uncovered a number of strategic insights that could help Eneco become truly data-driven, enabling the company to compete and differentiate in a highly competitive and volatile energy market.

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