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Customer Story

CFYE Creates Jobs in the Middle East and Africa with Salesforce

Challenge Fund for Youth Employment has one big mission: creating employment for young people. To support this, they needed better Grant Management
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The Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) aims to create 200,000 jobs in the Middle East and Africa. The fund was set up by the Dutch government and the execution lies with Palladium, in close cooperation with Randstad and VSO.
To improve grant management with an automated solution
By implementing Amp Impact on the Salesforce platform
By working closely together and strongly involving employees

A Need for Better Grant Management

For six years, the fund issues requests to a total of 23 countries to submit plans to create jobs for young people. Every year, approximately 100 proposals are selected from thousands of applications. CFYE required an automated grant management solution and issued a Request For Proposal for it.

“During our recent selection round for projects in Egypt and Nigeria, we conducted 300 reviews of the 25 business cases we received. This involved 30 different people at various locations and all information came in neatly without any problem.”
Challenge Fund for Youth Employment - Logo 3
Joost Verwilghen Team leader CFYE

Independent Platform Management

During the implementation, the teams of Xebia and CFYE worked closely together. Due to the strong involvement of its own employees, CFYE is well able to manage the platform itself and to develop it mostly independently. Xebia stays available for advice and support.

“I am confident that we will be able to scale up to more countries without any problems in the next rounds.”
Challenge Fund for Youth Employment - Logo 3
Joost Verwilghen Team leader CFYE

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